
Saturday, December 13, 2008

Memories of my DAD

As I look through my picture files I realize I didn't have alot of pictures of my Dad.

I started to break down and cry. My Dad was an awsome dad. He would be the neighbor hood bike fixer or scraped knee fixer. If you were a kid in my neighbor hood and had red die on a skinned knee, You had seen my Dad.

A friend I grew up with and I played out side all day. I don't remember watching tv. We would make mud pies and cakes. If we needed something to put them in My dad would be working in the garage and would scrounge around and find something for us to play with.

My Dad also would fix everybody's flat tire with out complaint. He had these old patches that you had to clamp on and light on fire. he hung it on a hook in the garage and we would watch with aww.

I guess I have held all this in for a while. I don't think it has really hit me. Ive been so busy with my own family and helping my Mom that I don't really have time for my self.

This blog I'm doing for me. So I can learn to take some time for my self.. head phone in all

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for helping me to appreciate my dad. He is getting older and thanks for the sweet picture and memories of your dad. It's good to share. I feel the same about my blog, it is FOR ME! And gives me something to do! Hugs to you dear.