
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

another day of brain mush

I am addicted to a farm game on facebook. This is new for me because I disliked those kinds of places.
The past few days Ive been up late and then turn around and get up at 4 am get 3 kids up at 5 am and take them to day care and me to work. I get off at 2pm pick kids up at 3pm. then start thinking about supper, home work, letting dogs out.and somewhere in there you have some one touching me, some one hit me, some one's breathing on me. See what I mean BRAIN MUSH. I would like a WEEK to my self and maybe the hubby.
So when I get on to post the ol brain has nothing left.

A lady I work with, her pug just had babies. My Bilbo is the daddy. So I get a pup from the batch. Now I'm not so sure if I want another one. Pugs are great with kids. I just don't want more on my plate. The hubby does help but for some reason I end up doing everything.

I started cleaning. I did Cowen's room. I have 2 boxes to go to goodwill. The girls room is gonna be a chore, We did go through all their clothes and go rid of alot. I was going to sell some stuff on E-bay, to much trouble. It would be ok if I could stay home so I could watch everything but I would probable forget to.

Well, I need to take the ol brain and recharge.
Good night.

1 comment:

obladi oblada said...

Good luck with the brain mush thing...I know what you mean. Im addicted to the computer and I literally had to put my laptop in the closet so I wouldnt see it and get on it. Instead I played a game with the kids. I would love an entire week to myself too!