
Sunday, June 27, 2010

So you think you know a fifth grader???

Well, it sounded good. She will be a fifth grader in Aug. I thought I had her down to a "T" what she liked and what she didnt. Well, I guess it goes to show I know nothing. I took her to wally world to buy a new swimsuit since she left hers at my sisters 3 1/2 hrs away. They dont have much left to choose from so I said you wont like this cuz it will hurt your neck (it was like her other and she complained about it all the time) she didnt like none of them except the one I said she wouldnt like. *sigh*

Today the hubby's band played at HY-VEE in the parking lot for a juvenile diabetes benefit I got to take the kids to watch their daddy play. It was hot but not as hot as fri and sat.

I guess thats all I have. Good night!!!

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